the Diamond Jim lectures
start tomorrow night in Auckland
by Sean Taylor (Aust)
Jim Tyler lectured in Sydney on Thursday to a full house
at Taylor's Magic Shop and I just wanted to take a moment
to encourage my friends across the Tasman to attend his
lectures in Auckland, Palmerston North and Christchurch
this coming week.
This is the first time I have met Diamond Jim Tyler but
he truly is a really nice guy with a genuine passion for
people and for magic.
have I seen so much useable and commercial material in one
evening. Jim had us laughing and amazed from the very
first effect (something with a Red Bull which I'd expect
will ensure an increase in sales of that soft drink!).
20 or so effects were shown and it was obvious throughout
that Jim is a 'worker' and thinks deeply about how to
make his magic straightforward, entertaining and easy to
follow. His tips and bits with the ring and string were
clearly the result of thousands of performances. He has
a pleasing and engaging style and is not 'in your face'
like some of today's hyped up, over enthusiastic close-up
workers. (Some of whom would do better to do tricks with
Red Bull rather than drink it).
sure sign of a good evening is an empty dealer table and
Jim's very reasonably priced books, DVDs and tricks were
all gone by the end of the night. He has extra stocks to
collect en route so you guys don't miss out in NZ.
shine and are rare and valuable. An evening with this much
shine and this much value is a rare thing too. Get along
- you won't regret it. Sean Taylor
Sponsored by IBM Ring 160 & Magic New Zealand
Date: Tuesday 16th March
Time: 7.30pm sharp
Venue: The Shore City Magicians Club Inc. club rooms,
Senior Citizen Hall, back of the Takapuna Library, The Stand,
Takapuna, Auckland.
Adult Lecture fee: $25
Juniors (School age) and financial IBM 160 members:
Wives or Partners: $5
Email: Ross Harlick - areandare@xtra.co.nz
Phone: (09)521 3327
North Lecture
Sponsored by Palmerston North Magic Circle
Date: Wednesday 17th March
Time: 7.30pm sharp
Venue: Awapuni Community Centre Newbury St (off Ferguson
St West) Palmerston North
Lecture fee: $25
Juniors: $15
Contact: Peter Thomson - pbthomson@xtra.co.nz
Phone: (06)357 2861
Sponsored by Greg & Sue Britt
Thursday 18th March
Time: 7pm arrive lecture starts 7.30pm sharp
Venue: Greg & Sue Britts.
23 Halswell Junction Road, Christchurch.
Phone or text Greg if coming 027 2213800
Lecture fee: $25
Wives or Partners: $5
Juniors (School age) $15
or guardian $5)
Contact: Greg Britt - elgregoe@inet.net.nz
Phone: 027 2213800 - Phone or text Greg if coming