New Zealand® is proudly sponsored
by International Entertainment
North Magic Circle - Mini Convention
Weekend 24th to 26th October 2009

from Ken Bates
Fellow Magi,
I have great pleasure in inviting you to join us over this
coming Labour Weekend, 24th-25th October, for a fun filled
weekend of magic, magic and...more magic.
Headlining the event, and direct from Adelaide's Magic Convention,
is Britain's acclaimed Crowned Prince of Children's Entertainers,
Terry Herbert supported by a cast of thousand's (well, perhaps
not thousands but certainly a good number) of NZ's home-grown
and imported talent including Grand Master Greg Britt, Bill
Seagraves, Michael Woolf, Joel Fenton, Zappo and Pippty-pop
(aka balloonologist extraordinaire, Pip Milford-Hughes).
This convention is all about sharing and learning, and of
course, having fun in a relaxing and supportive environment.
There will be no competitions but plenty of opportunity to
mix 'n' mingle.
" Want to show that routine you've been working on? -just
grab a table , plonk
yourself down and mystify those around you.
Need help with apple or tulip twist? Sidle up to Pip.
Can't get those cards across-ask Bill.
Want to keep your balls aloft for longer? Check out your technique
with Joel,
Norm or anyone else who happens to be better than you!
Here's your opportunity to learn from the best- or, if you
happen to have that special skill or knowledge, here's your
chance to share.
So don't waste anymore time. Complete the enclosed registration
form, return it to us with payment (or pay by internet banking
if you prefer) and we'll be in touch with more details of
this not-to-be-missed Labour Weekend Event. We've already
secured some great motel deals (see back page), so there really
is no excuse.
We're really looking forward to seeing you here,
Yours magically,
Ken Bates
(PNMC Hon. President)
the captions for the photos ladies carpark!

any ladies are driving down we have secured a women only car
park its only been open one week
above photo shows a few of the magic weekend commititees wifes
trying out the wines to be used at our Labour Weekend get

can get your registration form by emailing our illustrious
secretary, Robin Lucas
Or download it via the following link:
on the Download button (just above the "W" in "Weekend")
to open in Adobe Acrobat.