Wand - Ali Bongo
from Mandy Davis (UK)
sad to report that Ali Bongo has just passed away (Saturday
7th March) in his battle with a stroke and further complications
with pneumonia in hospital in London. Ali will be sadly missed
around the world and this is a great loss to the magic fraternity.
Funeral details will follow as they become available.

Who's Who in Magic
by Lybrary.com, reproduced with permission.
(Bangalore, India: 8 Dec 1929- ) Stage name of William Oliver
Wallace, of Scots-Irish parents. Raised in England. Marketed
1st invention at age 16. Co-founded Midway Magical Society
1947. In London worked at the Unique Magic Studio 1954-56,
the Chavel Magic Corner 1956-60, & managed Hamley's Magic
Studio 1960-64. IBM British Ring Shield 1964. Developed his
"Shriek of Araby" act in early 1960s. Full-time
pro comedy magic since 1964. 1972 Magic Circle "Magician
of the Year" award. 1975 AMA Best Lecturer. British Ring
Past President. Advisor for TV series of David Nixon 1970-78
& Paul Daniels 1979-present, plus other theatrical shows.
1991 David Berglas Award. 1993 AMA Masters Fellowship.
Wrote The Bongo Book (1966, 64pp), Be A Magician (1979), &
Ali Bongo's Book of Magic (1980). 1980 AMA Creative Fellowship.
Tricks in Abra & Genii.
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