New Zealand® is proudly sponsored by International Entertainment

29th New Zealand International Magicians Convention will
be held in Auckland New Zealand from the night of December
27th 2008 to January 1st 2009, 1.00am.
Registrations will open during the afternoon/evening of
27 December

is running out to register for the competitions
those already registered please get your competition entry
forms into our Secretary Ross Harlick ASAP. The convention
commiteee are now at the stage of confirming a final schedule
for the four days of fun and magic and need to know how many
competitors want to enter the competitions so this final schedule
can be settled.

the mammoth auction on the last afternoon of the Convention.
Start sorting out your preloved magic into lots and include
instructions sheets where possible. As each registrant will
be limited to a limited number of lots try and combine as
much as possible into each lot. There will be a day and time
and location for handing in your items to sell prior to the
auction day during the Convention so you will need to arrive
at the Convention with your goods already sorted and labelled.
The official auction registration forms will be in each registrants
registration envelope available on December 27th. Remember
cash or cheques only for the auction.

confirmed headliners
John Shryock (USA), Marty and Brenda
Hahne (USA), Ross Skiffington (Aust), George Schindler (USA),
Steve Walker (Aust), Sean Taylor (Aust) and Charles Gauci

The official registration and competition form for the
convention can be downloaded from:
Convention registration can be paid by cheque or direct
Direct credit details
Account name: International Brotherhood of Magicians (Ring
160) or IBM Ring 160
Bank: BNZ
Account no: 020223 - 0080757 - 00
you don't have internet web access contact Ross Harlick, Secretary,
91 Panapa Drive, Meadowbank, Auckland 1072, New Zealand
Or by: Phone: (09) 521 3327
Fax: (09) 521 3327
venue will be Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre in Mount
can be made for convention accommodation by contacting: Waipuna
Hotel & Conference Centre, 58 Waipuna Road, Mt. Wellington,
PO Box 14 164, Panmure, Auckland, New Zealand.
+64 9 526 3000
Fax: +64 9 527 1937
Toll Free Reservations (NZ): 0800 924 786.
have been able to secure a very attractive room rate of
$NZ110 per night (incl GST) for single or double rooms
with registrants being able to book direct with the hotel.
40 rooms only are available at this rate and reservations
need to be made well before the end of November 2008.
recent refurbishment programme has assisted in the hotel attaining
a four star Qualmark rating.
Alan Watson - Marketing & Publicity