New Zealand® is proudly sponsored by International Entertainment

the night of December 27th 2008 to January 1st 2009, 1.00am
official registration and competition form for the convention
can be downloaded from:
you don't have internet web access contact Ross Harlick, Secretary,
91 Panapa Drive, Meadowbank, Auckland 1072, New Zealand.
by: Phone: (09) 521 3327
Fax: (09) 521 3327

Mammoth Auction Planned for Convention
will take place in the afternoon on the last day of the Convention,
December 31st.
Each registrant will receive an official list in their registration
pack on arrival at the beginning of the Convention. Each registrant
will be allowed 15 lots per person and the goods, plus duplicate
lists of the goods for sale must be handed in 30 minutes before
the auction commences. Michael Woolf (Editor of Magicana)
will be the official auctioneer.
Cash or personal cheques only will be accepted as each lot
is sold. Arrangements will be able to be made for those registrants
who plan to buy numerous lots. 10% will be deducted as commission
to help pay for the Convention.
The same afternoon the dealers will pack up their unsold wares
and the trestles in the dealers room will be available to
registants only to sell for a limited period other magic before
getting ready for the New Years Banquet, Cabaret and Prizegiving.
More details will be released between now and December.
Program Advertising
rates are as follows:
page A4 B&W $200.00
Full page A4 Colour $250
½ page colour $125.00
½ page B&W $100.00
¼ page colour $75.00
¼ page B&W $50
will be first in, first served basis.
back cover has already gone.
would prefer photo ready copy 600 DPI .jpg or .tiff (including
photos) He
is happy to assist with layout and settings if necessary.
Contact: Malcolm

to the Convention and staying with
friends or Family in Auckland?
a Great way to Thank them - Buy them Tickets to one of the
two Gala Shows - It can also be a great Christmas Present.
a Magician, at every function, Party that you are doing magic
during the last half of this year, tell the people present
about the Fantastic Magic Event that will be taking place
on the 28th December at the Magic Convention, They are Invited.
That is right, a limited amount of Tickets are on Sale to
the Public and they can be one of the few.
is what will Happen, --- If they enjoyed your MAGIC --- you
say this "If you think what I did for you was GREAT -
Wait till you see the INTERNATIONAL STAR'S of Magic Show at
the International Magic Convention - This Show will blow you
away - a once in a year opportunity to see the Best in Magic
at a Ticket price of only $20 for adults and $10 for children."
Know if we tell people - They will buy Tickets - all it needs
is the Magicians - that is US - to get out there and TELL
a Great Convention it is going to be when the Performers come
out on Stage at the Gala Shows and there is not and empty
seat in the House at both the 5pm show and the 8pm show.
us and yourselves make this happen.
obtain tickets for the TWO public shows contact the IBM Ring
160 Secretary Ross Harlick on phone (09) 521 3327 Fax (09)
521 3327 email
and/or post a cheque made out to IBM Ring 160 to Ross with
ticket requirements.
Alan Watson - Marketing & Publicity