Wand - Roger Klause (1938-2008)
from Paul Romhany
magic legend passes away
a long ordeal fighting a terrible disease, Roger passed away
yesterday, 30th August 2008, at around 1pm.
name Roger Klause is known to magicians the world over. For
over 50 years, Roger has been an icon in magic, making himself
available at conventions, sessions and private meetings whenever
and wherever the opportunity allowed.
friends and students are innumerable, both his antics and
his magic are legendary, and he's contributed either directly
or indirectly to shaping many of the major forces and events
in magic over the last half-century.
Klause was a respected performer and instructor. He has long
been known as "The Leader of the Underground," a
title bestowed upon him by Michael Skinner during a lecture
in Wichita, Kansas, as Roger is the quintessential "session
magician," sitting in private sessions with magicians
from all walks of life.
may be sent to Wanda Klause, PO Box 1256, Borger TX 79008.
world wide will miss Roger, and our thoughts are with Wanda
and the Klause family.

Who's Who in Magic
Roger (Willis)
(Vivian, Louisiana: 19 Mar 1938- ) Moved to Borger, Texas,
at age 5. Inspired at age c17 seeing magic at high school
show. Learned from books. Insurance sales rep in Borger. Since
late 1950s a close student of Dai Vernon, Charlie Miller,
& Faucett Ross. Semi-pro close-up, platform, & stage
Wrote In Concert (288pp). 2 videos (1985), video segment (1988).
Tricks in Gen, Epilogue, Richard's Almanac, Genii, Magic,
Ammar's Encore III, & Magic Menu. See Jay Evans, The Lecture
Notes of Roger Klause (1982, 14pp). TV bit. (Gen2/64;Wh)
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