
I need an expression of interest before I can proceed
in making arrangements with Shoot Ogawa to hold a workshop
in Auckland and Parlmerston North. At this stage he is thinking
of having a lecture in Auckland (18th June) and Parlmerston
North (20th June).
How many magicians would be also interested in attending
a workshop in Auckland (19th June) or Parlmerston North
(21st June)?
The workshop fee would be $65NZ.
you are interested please contact me urgently via email:
this to proceed you will need to contact me NO later them
Thursday 22nd May.
Hour Workshop

from being named Hollywood Magic Castle's "2008 Parlor
Magician Of The Year" Award comes Shoot Ogawa.
This makes Shoot's 3rd Magician of the Year Award (awarded
2006 and 2003 for Closeup Magician of the Year), a new record.
Acclaimed as "One of the finest sleight of hand magicians
that I have engaged to perform in the Magic Castle,"
(Ron Wilson, Entertainment Director at the Hollywood Magic
Castle), Shoot Ogawa has been practicing magic since the
tender age of 10 under the tutelage of legendary Master
Masahiro Yanagida. Today he is one of the most sought after
and praised magicians in the world, with his jaw dropping
abilities, techniques, and creations that are already legendary
in the magic community.
his own cultural magic style with modern sleight of hand,
Shoot has created a distinct form of magic that is mesmerizing
to watch. His new Lecture features original coin and card
magic never before presented, giving you a chance to be
among the first to see his new material before it is released
to the general magic community. This lecture includes new
Coin and Card routines from Beginner to Advanced that are
both simple to master and perform, but delivers a huge impact.
Also presented will be a newly worked out lecture of Magic
Wands and a lecture on the Muscle Pass, which Shoot originally
made famous. This is one lecture you definitely don't want
to miss!
Muscle Pass & Coin Workshop With SHOOT OGAWA!
Ogawa, fresh from his "2008 Parlor Magician of the
Year" title awarded by Hollywood's famed Magic Castle,
is recognized as one of today's most cutting edge artists
in modern magic. Blending his own traditional Japanese magic
style with contemporary sleight of hand techniques, Shoot
has created a distinct form of magic that is mesmerizing
to watch.
traveling all over the world performing and perfecting new
techniques and routines, Shoot is happy to bring a specially
designed Muscle Pass and Coin Workshop, based on the numerous
requests he has received over the years with the moves he
was among the first to introduce and make famous.
- Learn new insights and techniques to help develop your
own routines
- Get one on one help with your muscle pass and coin moves
from Shoot
- Increase your effectiveness and self-awareness as a performer
- Experience up close demonstrations, with tips which you
can practice
workshop is really going to give you a chance to improve
your routines and get first hand close and personal instruction
from a true Master. Sign up today for this very special
opportunity to learn from one of today's most respected