New Zealand International Magicians Convention update #5
to announce that Steve Walker has been added to the convention

Brief CV
Walkeris an UNREALIST......a conglomerate yet cohesive
concoction of consummate competence and considerable craft
carefully contrived to captivate the conjuring connoisseur
yet confound the castigator.
Born near the sun-drenched tropical beaches of Yorkshire in
England he moved to Sydney, Australia where he earned a reputation
as one of the countries slowest rising magicians.
Winning many National Awards for both his stage and close-up
sleight of hand magic, he appeared on many TV shows and didn't
appear on many more!
He was the resident magician on the Channel 7 "Reach
for a Rainbow" TV show for 5 years and was invited to
Reno, Nevada to appear on "The World's Biggest Stage"
at The Hilton Hotel Casino where he was M.C. on the Gala Show
at the International Brotherhood of Magician's annual convention.
On returning to Australia he is now kept busy with Cruises,
Corporate and Trade Shows before he flies off to Hollywood,
California in August to appear yet again at the World Famous
Magic Castle.

29th New Zealand International Magicians Convention will be
held in Auckland New Zealand from the night of December
27th 2008 to January 1st 2009, 1.00am.
Registrations will open during the afternoon/evening of 27
The official registration form for the convention can be downloaded
from: http://www.ibmring160.com/registration.pdf
Convention registration can be paid by cheque or direct
Direct credit details
Account name: International Brotherhood of Magicians (Ring
160) or IBM Ring 160
Bank: BNZ
Account no: 020223 - 0080757 - 00
you don't have internet web access contact Ross Harlick, Secretary,
91 Panapa Drive, Meadowbank, Auckland 1072, New Zealand
Or by: Phone: (09) 521 3327
Fax: (09) 521 3327
e-mail: rossco@quicksilver.net.nz
venue will be the Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre in Mount
Wellington where we last ran a successful Convention in 2001-2002.
can be made for convention accommodation by contacting: Waipuna
Hotel & Conference Centre, 58 Waipuna Road, Mt. Wellington,
PO Box 14 164, Panmure, Auckland, New Zealand.
+64 9 526 3000
Fax: +64 9 527 1937
Toll Free Reservations (NZ): 0800 924 786.
have been able to secure a very attractive room rate of $NZ110
per night (Incl GST) for single or double rooms with registrants
being able to book direct with the hotel.
NOTE that 75% of the ALLOCATED rooms have already been booked
by conventioneers. If you are planning to attend best to book
Five confirmed
John Shryock (USA), Marty
and Brenda Hahne (USA), Ross Skiffington (Aust), George Schindler
(USA) and Steve Walker (Aust).
convention will be a SELL OUT!**
Alan Watson - Marketing & Publicity