New Zealand International Magicians Convention update
Ring 160 is pleased to officially announce that International
Entertainment has sponsored Ross Skiffington (Australia) and
Jeton (Germany) as two more headliners to attend the convention.
Both Ross and Jeton will appear on the public shows and will
also present a lecture.

background on Ross:
Skiffington is the recipient of two Lifetime Achievement Awards
2000 at the 27th Australian Society of Magicians Convention
for his: "Contribution to the Art of Magic. In 2005 from
Magic New Zealand for: "A lifetime dedicated to the Magical
was the winner of four major awards at the 17th Australian
Society of Magicians Convention and is recognised as Australia's
finest Illusionist.
trained in New Zealand as an actor at the Mercury Theatre
and graduated from Auckland University with a Diploma in Fine
Arts. In 1975 he moved to Australia and over the past thirty
years has worked with theatre companies, television, corporate
and film production houses as an Actor, Illusionist, Director
and Magic Consultant.
of the many major musicals and stage productions Ross has
been magic consultant for include:
Disney's Beauty & The Beast, A Little Night Music, Into
The Woods, The Hobbit, Cats, Blithe Spirit, The Cherry Orchard
and The Opening Ceremony of the 2006 Commonwealth Games.
has written and directed original works including:
Tricks, Electricks, Patrick's Hat Trick, The Fabulous Fontaines!,
Chiller!, CHINOIS!, Silver's Grand Magic Circus and the Melbourne
Festival of the Arts Opening Night Spectacular.
is a regular guest artist on cruise ships and continues to
perform throughout Australia and overseas with his cabaret
2002, 2004 and 2006 Ross toured Australia and the UK with
The Bell Shakespeare Company in THE COMEDY OF ERRORS. The
play was the opening production at The Bath Shakespeare Festival.
Ross recently presented LOUNGE WIZARD at the Castlemaine State
Festival and wrote and directed "IT'S MAGIC", the
celebration of 100 years of magic in Australia for the Australian
Society of Magicians.

in the eyes of the critics
in the audience holds their breath when smartly attired JETON,
the gentleman juggler, presents his acrobatic skills; in a
fast and furious finale, he balances a cane and top hat on
his foot, then flips them up high and catches them on the
cigar in his mouth.
Frankfurter Neue Presse
Jeton is one of the world's leading exponents of his art.
He comes from Frankfurt, and he applies German precision to
his art. With breathtaking speed, he manipulates coins, balls,
billiard cues and even a large mirror. You may have seen lots
of jugglers before, but you've never seen one like Jeton!
JETON, just flown in from Monte Carlo, presented the near-extinct
art of "gentleman juggling". Top hats, balls, picture
frames and canes - there is nothing that JETON cannot juggle
with graceful ease.
Rheinische Post
And the gentleman juggler, Monsieur Jeton, has more than a
touch of class. No matter what he juggles, be it a bowler
hat, cigar, balls or even a mirror - how in the world would
anyone hit on the idea of juggling a huge mirror?
Politiken (DK)
Jeton from Germany is an artist in the classical style, a
master of the art of balancing and also of juggling. His fine
sense of balance is quite remarkable. He appears on stage
wearing a dinner jacket, his trademark, and creates a scene
of elegance and enchantment. A flawless performance with some
big surprises. Well worth seeing!
Monthly Yoshimoto - Entertainment Magazine, Osaka (JP)
And yet: in this hunt for the sensational, this craving for
"higher! faster! further!" it is perhaps above all
the quieter acts that linger longest in our minds: the juggling
artist Jeton, in his elegant black suit, who manipulates monocle,
cigar and billiard cue with magical precision.
TZ München on the centenary programme "100 Years
of Circus Krone"
it was the turn of a gentleman with nimble hands and flying
objects, who had the audience jumping out of their seats.
"Jeton" nonchalantly balanced a mirror on his head,
and then did the same with two billiard cues. But what was
especially impressive was his ball juggling. It was magnificent
to see how the balls wound their way around him before landing
in his hands again. His expressive face and numerous little
intermezzos were an invaluable addition to the programme
juggling could hardly be more exciting.
Marburger Neue Zeitung
Accompanied by the sounds of classical jazz, and creating
his own fluid rhythms, Jeton from Germany gave a polished
demonstration of the art of the juggler. He juggled cane,
handkerchief and hat, spun a mirror on his forehead, juggled
balls behind his back and balanced billiard cues with
a consistently high level of skill. The audience was simply
fascinated. A graceful, virtuoso performance by Jeton the
Monthly Yoshimoto - Entertainment Magazine, Osaka (JP)
Silver top hats spin through the air; the guest in the check
jacket involuntarily holds his hand over his glass to protect
his exquisite red wine. No need to worry, though Jeton
knows what he's doing. With sublime elegance, the man in the
smart suit balances the accessories of high society: cigar,
walking-cane, billiard cue, mirror. Jeton is a juggler. His
extraordinary variations on his chosen theme soon have the
audience whooping with delight.
Weser Kurier, Bremen

29th New Zealand International Magicians Convention will be
held In Auckland New Zealand from the night of December
27th 2008 to January 1st 2009, 1.00am.
Registrations will open during the afternoon/evening of 27
The official registration form for the convention can be downloaded
from: http://www.ibmring160.com/registration.pdf
Convention registration can be paid by cheque or direct
Direct credit details
Account name: International Brotherhood of Magicians
(Ring 160) or IBM Ring 160
Bank: BNZ
Account no: 020223 - 0080757 - 00
you don't have internet web access contact Ross Harlick, Secretary,
91 Panapa Drive, Meadowbank, Auckland 1072, New Zealand
Or by: Phone: (09) 521 3327
Fax: (09) 521 3327
e-mail: rossco@quicksilver.net.nz
Registrations are heading towards 40 and if you are planning
to enter any of the competitions you will need to register
early as places in competitions are limited and we will be
allocating them in the order that competitors registered for
the convention.
Alan Watson - Marketing & Publicity