message was from SAMTalk
sad to report that S.A.M. Honorary Life Member Jerry Andrus
passed away this afternoon, Sunday, August 26, 2007.
bravely fought a long battle with cancer. Jerry has been an
Assembly 59 member since November 1956 and his innovative
magic is known around the world.
soon as more details are available, we'll share them with

in the Whaley's Who's Who in Magic
(Gerald) "Jerry"
(Sheridan, Wyoming: 1920- ) Interested at age 12 seeing
performance of a reformed spiritualist medium. Joined the
International Society of Junior Magicians at age 16. Close-up.
Noted for tricks not using misdirection. Mentor of Ray Hyman,
Loren Pankratz, etc. Lecturer. Invented the Linking Pins (1954,
his version), Panoramic Shift (by 1955), & Paradox Box.
1979 AMA Best Lecturer. 1988 AMA Creative Fellowship.
Wrote one book, Andrus Deals You In (1956 [sic], 190pp), &
several booklets, including Safety Pin-Trix (1955, 70pp),
Andrus Deals Again (1957, 6pp), Up Close with Andrus (1957,
9pp), Sleeving from the Deck (1961, 18pp), Sleightly Miraculous
(1961, 15pp), The Miser's Miracle (1961, 19pp); Steals and
Palms (1961, 34pp), Kurious Kards (1973). Tricks in HMM, New
Directions, & Onyx. (Genii10/89;HMM9/57;Mag;Wat)