David Ginn's Auckland
lecture is this coming
Tuesday night
**14th August**
New Zealand Tour Shedule:
Aug. 14 (Tues) Auckland
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Raye Freedman Hall, 788 Remuera Rd, Remuera
Lecture fee: $25.00
Juniors: $15.00
$5.00 discount for financial IBM 160 members
Email: Ross Harlick - rossco@quicksilver.net.nz
Aug. 15 (Wed) Wellington
Venue: Michael Woolf home, 277 Horokiwi Road, Horokiwi,
Start: Be there by 7.00pm - Lecture will start at 7.30pm
Lecture fee: $25.00, juniors $15.00
Email: Michael Woolf - mail@michaelw.co.nz
Aug. 16 (Thurs) Christchurch
Venue: Shirley Community Centre, Cnr Slater Street and
Shirley Road, Christchurch
Start: 7.30pm
Lecture fee: $12 pre-sales from Castle of Magic or
$15 on the door
Email: Mike Hines - mike@themagicshop.co.nz
All lectures will run 2+ hours with both commercial and do
it yourself Christmas theme magic and comedy. Davids
CHRISTMAS MAGIC WORKBOOK will be on sale at each lecture for
a low $10 AUD or NZD. This book is not sold via mail, only
in person. You must SEE the lecture to fully understand it!
Thats all ... See you soon! --- David Ginn
BELOW is my price list of things I will have with me. I
accept New Zealand dollars cash for the prices shows, or Visa,
Mastercard, Discover, or American Express credit cards. NO
CHECKS, sorry. Notice that these prices are adjusted
only slightly from the USD prices; some are even the same,
giving you an instant discount. Understand that these prices
are IN PERSON ONLY. I cannot ship these things to you, and
NOTE that I absolutely DO NOT SELL the Christmas Magic Workbook
VIA MAIL, ONLY IN PERSON. Okay, here we go:
you are attending one of David's lectures pre -orders for
items below can be e-mailed to: alan@watson.co.nz
Make sure that put in the subject line of your e-mail "Order
for David Ginn"
Magic Prices In NZ dollars
Special One: Christmas Magic Workbook, 50 pages
of magic, comedy, routines, advice & inspiration on working
shows during the Christmas holidays, written by David Ginn
& friends. Original artwork for you use included. There
is no other magic book like it! Sold ONLY at the lecture,
NOT by mail! Priced low so everyone can get a copy. Special:
Vanishing Coke Bottle, no longer made, comes w/18"
last chance price: $45
3. 50-Foot silk streamer, new, DG exclusive, should
cost $60
my price only $35
4. Star of Show made by Goshman for me, yellow 2"
ball turns insideout to 6" star
5. Hot Flip Flops (fans on Jacobs ladder, all change
to selected color) set of four
only $10
6. Christmas Color Changing Shoelaces, handmade &
ONLY $10
7. Fantasio Appearing or Vanishing Canes (black, red,
or silver) each $35
8. Denmark Thumbtip Streamers (1 meter long) my last
each $10
Special Two: Hats, Rabbits, and Swords DVD. 100
minutes long, this live show-lecture DVD teaches kidshow workers
important magic principles for making children laugh, plus
a live library show with explanation, and finally a Spectacular
Sword Box Illusion ending with a huge surprise hat production
to top them all! Reg price $45 . . . lecture special just
to Music
Stretching a Rainbow (DG exclusive, 4 ft streamer changes
to 20 ft visibly) complete $20
11. Color Explosion Blendo (five 9" silks change
into 36" exclusive design silk) complete $30
12. Color Changing Wreaths 7 feather rings & CLOTH
amazing price $25
Participation Magic
Big RED Nose Sammy Smith RUDOLPH trick Kids Love! Low
price, good routine! $20
14. Merry Christmas 36" Silk
great for
blendo or production, I'll show you: $25
15. Christmas picture fun McComb Deck type trick, kid
friendly, made by Practical Magic in UK, I show it by exclusive
arrangement & not overpriced! Cards, frame, instructions
just $45
16. Disbanded is my new trick with necklace loops that
change places, penetrate a child's arm, then link together
in a chain of red, yellow, green
handmade for me exclusively
in UK
includes a 27-min DVD showing you both stage
& close-versions, plus HOW to do them, plus all loops
for both stage and close-up versions. Retail price will be
$60-75 A/NZ . . . lecture price complete: $45.00!
17. Bunny Hat, wonderful addition to any rabbit trick
using a child, top hat placed on kid's head changes to giant
rabbit but kid doesn't know it, lots of laughs! Plush hat
well sewn. ONLY $45
18. Color Changing Wand black wand pushed thru hand
becomes red, easy repeat! Just $10
19. Christmas Music CD by Arthur & Leslie Stead,
18 excellent royalty free tracks. $35
20. Hardback Book Sale: I have with me a small, limited
supply of hardback magic books, which may include Safety Magic
for Children, Comedy Magic Textbook, Enlightened Magicians
to be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. These
retail at $25-45 each. SALE PRICE : $15.00 each!
Three: Children Laugh Louder reprinted
Some of my best routines: Color Changing Shoelaces, Silk Illusion,
Pop-away Wand, Comedy Bits w/ Audience Helpers, Trap Door,
Magic Words, Purple Puppy Chow, Dog by That Name, Bowing Contest,
Shooting Card, Wilting Flower, Bongo Monster Hat, Freaky Terror
& Charlie's Invisible Message. Same book inside with a
new cover, bonus 2-hr DVD featuring CLL routines in Live Lecture
June 1978! Reg $ 30 special just $15
Magic Lecture Outline
Christmas Songs & Cup Drop
2. Coca-Cola for Santa
3. Flip Flop Christmas Toy
4. Christmas Cane Wrap Plus
5. Red Nose Rudolph
Stretching a Rainbow
Color Explosion Blendo
8. Christmas Wreaths
9. Christmas Shoelaces
10. Funny Bunny Hat
11. Christmas Picture Fun
12. Disbanded on Stage
20 Minutes
Five Balloon Animals with One Balloon
14. Ten Do's & Don'ts for Christmas Shows
15. Boy/Girl Change Bag Blendo
16. Christmas Ropes & Santa
17. Charlie's Invisible Christmas Message
18. Remember What It's All About
complete LIVE KIDBIZ series
series includes two books totaling 450 pages, hundreds of
photos & drawings, plus six hours of video taped live
shows on four DVDs. Here's what you get:
Live Kidbiz 1 book & DVD: Vanishing Coke
Bottle, Magic to Rock Music (canes, silks more), Climax Egg
Bag, Radio Rabbit, Eye Chart, Ching Soo Firecracker, Lobster
Cards, Tricky Bottles, Sun & Moon, Arrowhead, Dagger Rabbit
Vanish, and Closing Magic to Music. 144 page book explains
all and more. $35-45
Live Kidbiz 2: Master Textbook & DVD:
Jungle Rope Warm-up, No Bounce Ball, Disbanded Arm Penetration,
Go Fish, Snake Basket, Easter Egg Count, ABC Puzzle, Wild
West Animals, Coke Bottle Rabbit, Sawing in Half, finally
the Road Race, Guitar Solo, and Tablecloth Stuntpulling
the cloth from under the dishes! PLUS other routines NOT on
the DVD, plus explanations of everything on LK 3, 4, 5 &
6. $35-45
Live Kidbiz 3/4. LK3 Costuming Kids for Laughs
in which David shows you how to add funny costumes to your
tricks to make them entertaining routines, lots of live footage.
LK4 is Storytelling with Magic, ten routines including Magic
Drawing Board, Jolly Polly George, Big Bad Kong, Watch Tester,
Sharpshooter, Guillotine, Pieces of Eight, and Rabbit Botania.
Live Kidbiz 5/6. Again two videos on one DVDLK5
shows routines with money, live rabbits, neck twister, Alfred
the Card Spider, Ring Toss, Watch Bag, Disecto, Sword Thru
Neck and more. LK6 is a complete library show featuring musical
magic, coin pail, bunny production/vanish, shrinking glove,
card on back, PacMan 20th Century, Head Chopper, book talk
and more. $35-45
total price: $150-180 Christmas Lecture special:
only $75 !
FREE with any $100 purchase (only 1 per customer please):
Christmas CC Laces, Hot Flip Flops, or Christmas Workbook!