that Docc Hilford's
first NZ lecture is this coming Friday

Docc Hilford's - Auckland
Sponsored by IBM Ring 160 & Magic New Zealand
Friday 11th May 2007
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Ferndale House, New North Road, Mt. Albert
Lecture fee: $25.00
Juniors: $15.00
$5.00 discount for financial IBM 160 members
Contact: Ross
Harlick - Phone: (09)521 3327
North Lecture
Sponsored by Palmerston North Magic Circle
Wednesday 16th May
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: The Club Rooms, Awapuni Community Hall, New
Berry St, Palmerston North
Lecture fee: $25.00
Juniors: $15.00
Contact: Peter
Thomson - Phone: (06)357 2861
Sponsored by Castle of Magic
Date: Thursday 17th May 2007
Time: 7.00pm
Venue: Room 10 Shirley Community Centre, Cnr Slater
Street and Shirley Road, Christchurch
Lecture fee: $20 presales from the Castle of Magic
or $25 on the night
Contact: Mike
Hines - Phone: (03) 379 4468
Hilford's items for sale
recovering from a little accident last November, I'm finally
in New Zealand and loving it! I'll be exploring the island
under the guidance of Richard Webster for the next few days
and looking forward to my time with Kiwi entertainers.
I'll have a special deal for you and the attendees of the
lecture on Friday as well as at the workshop on Monday. First
of all the books I have will be discounted from the retail
price by making the exchange straight across. That is, what
ever the price in US dollars will be the same price in New
Zealand dollars. So a set of lecture notes at $20 US are only
$20 NZ. This saves everyone the postage and brings the price
down 25% too.
The Aussies really cleaned me out as far as books go, but
I have special notes only available on this trip. And I have
my latest, and I think one of my best, creations: The Little
Black Book Test. As you know, I'll be performing and teaching
my actual cabaret act. Two of the effects are in lecture notes.
The first effect, Rattle Trap is a magazine test that really
makes you seem like a psychic because it reveals information
that no less than three different people select. That is available
in notes for $20.
The second full effect is Champaign Billets, a three billet
trick that is as close to actual mind reading as I've ever
come. The notes detailing this routine are also $20. Each
set of notes is illustrated with photographs and contains
details that can't be covered completely in the lecture.
The Little Black Book test has been described as "The
Mother of All Book Tests on steroids!" It's an address
book that does so much more than just reveal a single choice.
In fact, it can be used for Q&A and will be covered in
the workshop. It sells for $45 US which means $45 NZ here
and now. But here's what I thought I'd do for everyone.
If one buys both sets of notes and the book test separately
the cost is $85. I say if they buy them all together it will
be only $60 NZ! That's almost half price of what they'd pay
back in the states. I have only a limited number, so I know
they'll go fast.
Alan, I have just a very few of the other books with me, too
few to mention, but some are interesting.
I can't wait. We'll discuss so much more than mentalism. I'll
tip why I built my show the way I did and how magicians can
benefit from the techniques I share. We'll all have a great
deal of fun.

are cash only
can be e-mailed to Richard Webster: