


Cesareo - Marco the Magi of The Grand
David spectacular Magic Companhy as suffered a stroke
Message from Henry Lewis
I feel that you should be acquainted with the following and
I am sure all that know him will wish Cesareo a speedy recovery
(He is Marco the Magi of The Grand David spectacular Magic Company
of MA.)
From his hospital bed he told me, let Henry know. So, Henry,
you know that Cesareo suffered a stroke today and is doing quite
well, under the circumstances. He got out of our car at the
theatre after lunch, took a couple of steps and fell. The ambulance
arrived within five minutes.
His doctor was waiting for him at the hospital, and is quite
optimistic about the outcome. He will be hospitalized for
at least five days. He is quite alert, giving the nurses a
hard time already, and directing the shows from his bed, as
he did in the 90s after his heart attacks.
He wanted you to know the score. We are all very thankful that
his prognosis is so good. His doctor has been treating him for
over a dozen years, is his friend and is quite relieved at the
results of the CAT scans. He is talking mostly in terms of strategies
for recuperation, including medications that will prevent a

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Magic New Zealand® E-zine
