Lee Asher's Lecture in
Auckland is *tonight*

Asher Lecture - Auckland
Sponsored by IBM Ring 160 & Magic New Zealand
Thursday 22nd September 2005
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Ferndale House, 830 New North Rd, Mt Albert
To view map
to print off CLICK
Lecture fee: $25.00
Juniors: $15.00
$5.00 discount for financial IBM 160 members
Contact: Stan Goudge - Secretary
IBM Ring 160 Kiwi Magic, the Tony Wilson Ring Inc
Ph/Fax: (09) 835 1890

Asher's lecture at Sean Taylor's weekend 2005
Asher here
I wanted to thank you for allowing me to come over to your
beautiful island. It has been a dream of mine to visit New
Zealand and Australia ever since I was a small child.
I am here
I would like to personally remind you about the lecture I
am giving tomorrow night in Auckland. We are going to have
a lot of fun, and I promise you will walk away from this two
hour session thinking differently about your magic. I guarantee
you will be inspired.
you have a moment, I want to tell you a little bit about what
I have brought with me from America.
CD-roms, lecture notes, packet effects, and manuscripts will
be available for your learning pleasure.
have a look at what I have to offer:
the way, I have decided to do a straight exchange across the
board with the money. If it's $25 AMERICAN, then it
will be $25NZ. I will swallow the difference, but I
hope to make up for it in volume. I take all major credit
cards and cash, but I can not accept checks for obvious reasons.
The Five Card Stud -
This instructional DVD was filmed like a movie - Plot, Characters,
and Cinematography fill this DVD for an extremely enjoyable
watch. Oh, and the magic taught on there is some of my favourite.
Asher Twist -
This is the effect that placed me on the proverbial magic
map. Please have a look at the performance video. The Asher
Twist is now available on DVD. You will be the first to have
a chance to get the DVD. Notice it's not even on my website
yet! $25NZ
Catch 33 -
For those whom enjoy the Monte game, this is right up your
alley. Simplicity and directness are the names of this game.
I offer an 85 page PDF e-book (Portable Digital File) on this
routine, and I think you will truly enjoy it. $20NZ
Board Double -
Many famous professional magicians are switching over and
using the basic version of my Diving Board Double in place
of their regular double lift. You will learn both the non-acrobatic
and acrobatic version tomorrow night. You will absolutely
adore this double lift, and you might even make it your favourite
too. Again, it's a PDF e-book 55 pages long. $20NZ
Control -
Keeping in the cinematic style of shooting an instructional
magic video - the Losing Control is by far the most violent
magic instructional video on the market today. That's right
- I said violent. I, Lee Asher, am kidnapped by terrorists
and am forced to teach them the secret to the easiest control
in the world. Over and over they beat me until I teach them
everything. I had a lot of fun making this video, and I believe
you will LOVE watching it. $20NZ
Each of the booklets are $12NZ
a piece, but if you get all five of them, I offer you a special
deal of $50NZ.
Out Loud -
This is probably the most laymen oriented booklet I have to
offer. Some of the highlights include the Ripper and Deuce
Bag. Some say Deuce Bag is worth the price of the lecture.
I would have to agree
Sells -
Need I say anymore? Oh yeah - and the card magic explained
in there is pretty strong too!
Asher -
I used to live in Paris, France a few years back and this
booklet is about some of the material I created while living
there. I'm willing to bet the Finger Box of Death will go
into all of your repertoires immediately. This last weekend,
at Sean Taylor's convention, the magic finger box of death
played for over 300 people in the auditorium.
Jobs -
Stop thinking what you are thinking!! Hand Jobs will delight
and excite the card-man who loves to perform serious sleight
of hand. My favourite routine in there is NOT IMPRESSIVE.
Ask me to perform it for you
Friction -
I firmly believe this move will revolutionize card magic as
we know it. I might not get the chance to teach it tomorrow,
but again, ask me to perform it for you. You won't believe
your eyes!
Three Stylin -
I want you to imagine... You're stuck. You're performing magic
at a private party, and the subject of THE WORLD SERIES OF
POKER comes up. You want to perform, but the crowd keeps discussing
Las Vegas. You feel the pressure. Then it hits you. To the
startled eyes of those around, you pull out your brightly
coloured Stylin' poker chips; execute a beautifully choreographed
Three-Fly style routine where the poker chips magically travel
from one hand to the other. Immediately - your audience raves.
You are an instant success!! $20NZ
Ricochet -
I won't tell you what it's about; please go have a look at
the performance video. I promise you will like it! $10NZ
I hope nothing has been left out, and I do hope to see each
and every one of you tomorrow at my lecture. Again, my job
will be to inspire you and make you think differently about
the magic you already perform.
you there my New Zealand friends
Lee Asher
don't forget, please bring a deck of cards with you so you
can learn everything I teach. You will find this lecture to
be more like a hands-on workshop than a standard magic lecture!
Watson - Publicity