Hickok Lecture - Auckland

Sponsored by IBM Ring 160
& Magic New Zealand
Friday 2nd September 2005
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Ferndale House, Mt Albert
Lecture fee: $25.00
Juniors: $15.00
$5.00 discount for financial IBM 160 members
Stan Goudge - Secretary
IBM Ring 160 Kiwi Magic, the Tony Wilson Ring Inc
8 Welcome Pl
New Zealand Ph/Fax 64- 9- 835 1890
Entertaining People with Easy, Interesting, Fun, and Amazing
His Mission as an Corporate Entertainer: To get people to
relax, to have fun, to feel safe, to experience something
amazing, and to forget about - for at least the time he is
on stage - the problems and difficulties they may be facing
in their lives.
a Corporate Entertainer, Mentalism is his means to achieving
this mission.
is a form of entertainment in which the performer creates
the illusion of extraordinary cognitive or mental abilities
has become a multi millionaire from performing his special
style of corporate mentalism which he will share with us all.
Review: Chuck Hickok
DeSouza - Past IBM and SAM National Champion: Close-up and
Hickok did indeed lecture at our home last Thursday. It is
with mixed feelings that I report on the lecture. I am afraid
that it may be turning many more magicians to mentalism and
has the potential to cause the ranks of PEA to swell. It was
one of the best lectures I have had at our home. Several of
the attendees said it was the best lecture they have ever
seen. I don't think praise can get much higher than that.
magicians who have had no previous experience with performing
mentalism, it was way beyond a primer/crash was
a gift of an entire working repertoire, plus a way of thinking
about construction and presentation that should serve them
for the rest of their performing career. For those of us who
are a bit more experienced, it reminded us of many important
basics and along with some great tips that we didn't know,
but more importantly, that some of the simple things we forget
or pass by are so incredibly effective for "real audiences".
you get the chance to see Chuck lecture, don't miss the opportunity.
More importantly, warn magicians to stay away...we don't need
them taking our business ;)
Marc DeSouza invites the top magicians and mentalists to lecture
in his home theater which seats thirty. Marcs
home is the top place to lecture in the Philadelphia area.)
House 130 New North Rd, Mt Albert - DIRECTIONS
Exit the Southern Motorway at Greenlane. Proceed along Greenlane
West, Balmoral Rd, and St Lukes Rd. Going past Mt Eden, Dominion
and Sandringham Roads, and St Lukes Shopping Centre to New
North Rd, Mt Albert. Turn left. Up the hill to the top. On
the right is the white wooden Mt Albert Methodist Church,
on left amongst the trees is Ferndale House. An elegant historical
home located in a parklike setting.
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is selling out fast
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Watson - Publicity