Richard Levin from Eugene, Oregon
is visiting NZ October 18th to November 10th to meet magicians
and see our wonderful country.
Message from Tony Wilson -
Phone 64-9-576-9581
Mobile 64-0274-771240
Richard Levin from Eugene, Oregon is visiting NZ October 18th
to November 10th to meet magicians and see our wonderful country.
He will be performing at IBM Ring 160 day (and evening) of
magic over Labour Weekend and then travelling south to the
South Island before returning to Auckland to fly home three
weeks later.
Tony Wilson is handling his schedule and invites any New
Zealand magician who would like to host Richard between October
18th and November 10th to contact him to help plan his schedule
for that period.
At this stage Richard will be in Auckland October 18th to
24th then travelling to Rotorua and Taupo approx October 18/19/20
then Palmerston North and Wellington 21/22, Nelson and the
West Coast 23/24/25, Christchurch 26/27/28, Dunedin 29/30
Invercargill 31/Nov1st, Te Anau Nov 2/3, Christchurch Nov
4/5, then back to Auckland or Bay of Islands returning to
Auckland November 9th.
These dates and venues are all approximate at this stage
and open ended.
If you wish to offer accomodation and a meal or two, Richard
would be most appreciative and reciprocate by showing you
some great magic.
Register for the Kiwi Day of Magic, meet him personally and
show him our kiwi hospitality.