New Zealand International Magicians Convention
Birthday weekend 4, 5, 6, 7 June 2004 held in Takapuna,
and I would like to congratulate the Shore City Club
Magicians Inc. Convention Committee on running the 27th
New Zealand International Magicians Convention - Bruce
Allan, Mick Peck (President) Jason Fell, Justin Lane
and Brent Milne.
would have to be the strongest line-up of international
magicians we have had for some time and there was a
good mix of talent from the U.S. Michael Finney, David
Ginn and Mike Ammar. From Australia Tim Ellis &
Sue-Anne Webster, and Charles Gauci - New Zealand Burns
Scandrett (Delarno).
to Wayne Rogers who became the 13th Grand Master of
Magic, this was awarded to him by the Brotherhood of
Magicians (B.A.M.). The full citation read out by Stan
Goudge is included in this release.
Woolf, Editor of Magicana Magazine will be giving an
in-depth report on the 27th New Zealand International
Convention in August/September issue and future issues
will include interviews with the international guests.
you don't subscribe to Magicana contact Michael Woolf,
Editor, e-mail address: michaelw@ihug.co.nz
yearly subscription for Magicana is only $40 for New
Zealand residents. You will receive 6 bi-monthly issues
and he accepts Visa, Mastercard and PayPal.
to Magicana is an important way of supporting New Zealand
On Walk Off
1st Tammy Twister
2nd Brent McLeod
3rd Raoul Solomon
1st Andrew Wilson
2nd Michael Colonna
3rd Lance Babich
1st Tara Okan
2nd Lance Babich
3rd Ken Bates
1st Jarred Fell
2nd Raoul Solomon
Senior Close-Up
1st Tara Okan
2nd Danny Phillips
3rd Andrew Wilson
1st Natasha Babich
2nd Karl Daniel
3rd Raoul Solomon
1st Ken Bates
2nd Bill and Mandy Reid
Mandy Reid
Bill and Mandy Reid
Best Comedy - Bernard Reid
Comedy Award
Original Act
Fell in Close-Up
Improved Performer
With Highest Aggregate Points
City Magicians Club
for the Presentation of the Grand Master of Magic Award
By the Brotherhood of Auckland
Magicians Inc.
to Wayne Rogers
27th NZ Magicians International Convention
Shore City 6 June 2004
good many of you will know that when I stand up at an
important Magic Convention like this, to make a speech,
that I will be talking about the Grand Master of Magic
Grand Master of Magic is the supreme award for excellence
for a New Zealand magician. It was inaugurated by the
Brotherhood of Auckland Magicians Inc in 1969 and the
first recipient was Edgar, the Great Benyon. In thirty
five years the Grand Master of Magic Award has been
given only twelve times. To: Edgar Benyon, Jack Read,
Jon and Janet Zealando, Jim Reilly, Harold Chandler,
Francis Newmarch, Peter and Phillipa Evans, Tony Wilson,
Graham Grant, Barry Brook, Bernard Reid, and Burns Scandrett,
- great magicians all. Of the twelve, five have died
and their wands have been broken. Seven are still performing
and some are with us tonight. Please stand, Grand Masters
of Magic.
a thirteenth award is to be presented to one who has
graced our art and made an outstanding contribution
to magic over many years.
and Gentlemen acknowledge Grand Master of Magic, Wayne
Rogers, the Amazing Chicane.
Rogers has been interested in magic since he was ten,
when an Aunt gave him a copy of Magic made Easy. He
has been making magic easy ever since. I first saw Wayne
perform at the Auckland Convention in 1969-70 and he
impressed me greatly then, and ever since. A busy magician
he performs in many different categories and venues:
stage, children, close up, strolling, mentalism, family
occasions, corporate gigs, and grand illusions. He designs
a show for any occasion, and always has something different
and unique up his sleeve. He is a multi skilled magician,
performer, inventor, author, manufacturer, lecturer
and international dealer. A good friend and colleague
in magic, he is always ready to help, to share ideas,
and to encourage others. Wayne Rogers is a great ambassador
for magic.
was a member of the Wellington Society of Magicians,
and the New Zealand Society of Magicians in recess.
He is an Inner Circle member of the Brotherhood of Auckland
Magicians Inc., The International Brotherhood of Magicians,
The Shore City Magicians Club Inc. and is a Trustee
of the Bernard Reid Magical Arts Trust. He has been
on the organising committee of many New Zealand Magicians
Conventions. He has held office as President in the
BAM, and is an Executive Member of IBM Ring 160. One
of his best contributions to magical societies has been
as Organiser Producer of Public Shows, where his wide
theatrical experience and knowledge of lighting, sound,
staging and special effects has been greatly appreciated.
was after he came to Auckland in 1970 that he took the
stage name of The Amazing Chicane. I am rather suspicious
of magicians who take great titles to themselves, because
some have not lived up to them, but Wayne has been one
to fulfil the expectation that his stage name implies.
His magical performance and his career in magic has
been truly amazing.
has won many cups and trophies at national conventions
in New Zealand and Australia and is perhaps the most
successful competitor at competition in New Zealand's
magic history. In 1996 the Variety Artists Club of New
Zealand presented Wayne with the special Scroll of Honour
for creative and professional contributions to magic.
As the Millennium approached in 2000 the Magic Circle
London advertised a world wide competition for an original
magic effect. It was won by Wayne Rogers with his unique
trick "Signed Card on Blue Stake."
original effects marketed by Chicane Enterprises Ltd
include: Percy the Penguin, Hot Video, Appearing - shovel,
spade, broom, poles, opinion poll, and ladder and hat
rack from briefcase, Briefcase Table, Over Exposed and
so on. For more information about Wayne and his products
check his web page www.nzmagic.com
is truly amazing that such great magic has come from
such a small and cluttered workshop. Wayne, I don't
know how you find anything in there.
people have enjoyed the Ronald McDonald Road Show not
knowing that Wayne is on the design team and a principal
builder of the Happy Meal Machine. He has appeared at
many Telethons, has numerous TV credits, radio interviews,
and he built the illusions for and appeared on The Great
Kiwi Magic TV Show producing the entire cast from his
own version of the rarely seen Jarrett Box.
has read and researched widely in the magic field, is
an original and creative thinker, and has not only adapted
and improved many standard effects, but has a long list
of original effects to his credit. Many of these have
appeared in our NZ Magic Magazine Magicana where he
is a regular columnist, in the IBM's Linking Ring, and
other magical publications. An honest and ethical man
he consistently acknowledges sources and origins of
magical ideas that he
has adapted and improved on.
books include : Commercial Chicanery the basis of his
lecture at the Magic Castle, Los Angeles, USA in 1993.
He is the first New Zealander to lecture there.
Out of the Pole Vault, a collection of routines ideas
and presentations of the appearing pole. Wayne is an
acknowledged world leader and expert on Pole Technology.
Nothing to Declare was prepared for his Lecture Tour
of the UK in 2002. Again this was a first. Mrs Rogers
little boy Wayne is the first New Zealand magician to
undertake a lecture tour of England. All reports indicate
that tour was a great success.
is a well presented performer, he has a variety of costumes
for different venues ranging from formal evening wear,
to Wizard Costume or the casual look. He is always well
prepared for any show, speaks clearly, and uses appropriate
music. The Amazing Chicane is a magician who gives excellent
value for those who book him.
all this he has been ably supported by Elizabeth his
wife, their son Keirdin and daughter Felicity. Felicity
is an accomplished magician in her own right, her father's
magical assistant, as well as a prize winning photographer
and computer animation artist.
criteria for the Grand Master of Magic is as follows:
purpose is to honour those magicians who are acknowledged
by their fellow magicians to be masters of the art and
craft of magic. The recipients first and foremost must
be magical performers of a high standard. In addition
they might be originators of magical effects, or administrators
giving time and expertise to running societies and conventions.
They could be consistent competition winners, or have
an international standing, or be known only in the New
Zealand setting. But above all they are people who have
served magic well, have graced our art, and made a special
contribution over many years."
a person as Wayne Rogers, the Amazing Chicane, Grand
Master of Magic.
Stanley R Goudge
Past President
Brotherhood of Auckland Magicians Inc
6 June 2004