Shelley passed away peacefully
from Trevor Lewis and Mandy Davis
Just received this e-mail from Bryan.
It is with great regret and personal sorrow that
I have to inform Members that our friend, Past
President and Honorary Secretary, Tony Shelley,
passed peacefully away at about 6.00pm on Sunday
evening, 16th May 2004 in Redditch Hospital.
He had been taken there on Friday evening after
suffering a massive brain haemorrhage whilst performing
at a magical show in Alcester with fellow members
of the British Magical Society.
He was a Past President of the British Ring and
had been one of only three Britains to have been
the International President of the I.B.M. in 1989/90.
He was very well respected throughout the world
of magic and will be missed by his many friends.
We send our most sincere condolences to his very
close friend and colleague Boon Oh, and to his
children, Mark and Victoria.
Details of the funeral arrangements will be given
through this medium when known.
Please remember Tony in your thoughts and prayers
this night.
With great sadness - Bryan Atherton

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