Kersten passed away last night
from Paul Daniels (England)
I have just talked to Kurt Freitag who tells me
that Peter died last night. So sad. This was a
good, happy, kind man.
from Trevor Lewis (Wales)
Peter Kersten passed away last night after a stroke
he had on Friday. He never regained consciousness.
I will remember Peter with affection, joy &
thanksgiving. He loved magic & magic loved
I have the happiest of memories of times spent
together, and will treasure these until time with
me will be no more. Farewell dear friend, you
brought us your share of happiness, and our world
it is a sadder place today without your creative
skill, your unique ability, and the warmth of
your friendship.
Message from Wittus Witt (Germany)
Last night 18th of January 2004 well known Austrian
magician and convention organizer Peter Kersten
real name was Peter Stockhammer, born in August,
27th, 1929, he became also famous in his country
for being a singer. His magic shows at the famous
"Theater an der Wien" were popular for
many years. He was fortunate knowing many of the
GREATS who played at that theatre.

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