from Maria Ibanez - S.A.M. Regional Vice President,
SA States
received the following message via Ted Goodman. It
is indeed a great loss to Magic and those of us who
were fortunate to have met him will know a terrible
loss. My prayers go out to his wife Ann, family and
countless friends.
Del Ray (Delbert Raymond Petrosky), one of the world's
greatest close-up worker, died Tuesday, November 11,
2003 in his home town of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
He had been in poor health for nearly a year. He is
survived by his wife, Ann, and some siblings. A private
memorial service is planned for Saturday.
I feel honored to have been a guest at his table during
the 1988 FFFF, where I was totally fooled by his magic.
The brotherhood of magic has indeed lost one of our
finest artists.

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